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Details coming as soon as available...
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Many thanks goes out to everyone below, who, in one way or another, have impacted this event and helped make it become a wonderful success. Especially the SCP Weekend Planning Committe whom are the life blood of what makes this event happen and what it becomes.
So many to thank, but never enough time...Thanks so much to everyone listed below for all of your support and dedication to our community celebration for which we could not do this without you.
Saint Christopher Parish & School Staff
Fr. John Chlebo
Sharon Armstong
Melissa DiFini
Mayumi Naramura
Joe Machesky
Mary Meler
SCS Cafe Staff
Fr. Joselito Clemen
Dawn Bloom
Logan Feldkamp
Colleen McKenna
Marilu Norena
Molly Fuerst
Angela Rosati
Fr. Tim Daw
Gayle Cilimburg
Deacon Mike Hayes
Joe Williams
John Yakim
Michelle Federico
SCP Weekend Planning Committee
Kevin Tennant
Sharon Armstong
Mary Castro
Logan Feldkamp
Kristy Bertke
Robert Crook
Betsy Fritz
Emma Krejci
Alex DiMichele
Brendan Barker
Mary Kay Curtis
Annette Kleman
Dan Rooney
Additional Thanks
Tim Armstrong
Nector Castro
Craig Rimlinger
Tom Armstrong
Shannon McIntosh
Kathy Rohn
Caitlyn Castro
Kathleen McNamee
Michelle Romary
Allison Tjan
Rocky River Police Department
Rocky River Board of Education
Rocky River High School
Rocky River Middle School
DProductions Event Services
ALL of our Parish Ministries
ALL Sponsor & Donors
and ALL our SCP Weekend Volunteers!!!
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